
IMG_0144Hello! I’m Josh and thanks for visiting my blogsite! You are welcome to take a look around, read the blogs and read about what the Lord is doing in my life and the lives of others.

The main focus of this blog has varied over the years, but more recently (2015), the focus has been, “Living with Pointless Purpose,” outlining how our every day lives may seem meaningless and mundane to us; but there is a greater calling on each of our lives; to serve Jesus and His Kingdom, make disciples of all men and to make JESUS famous, within our personal spheres of influence.

I live in South Africa (Contrary to popular belief, we do not have lions roaming in our streets, and my mode of transport is not an elephant) and I am a Jesus lover. My full time occupation is as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), working both in Accident and Emergency Units, as well as working on an ambulance.

Previous a main focus of the blog was to be living life without compromise, in that going about our daily lives; we are meant to be the best Christians we can be. If you have come upon this site and you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you are still more than welcome to look around, read the blogs and please, contact me if you have any questions. No one is turned away. I may take a while to reply, but I will reply, eventually.

My activities also extend to sound engineering (Specialising in Live Sound Reinforcement and audio editing); flying (General Aviation); hiking; video manipulation (creation and editing) and IT.

Above all else though, my dedication is to serve Jesus, His people and to make HIS name famous. Advancing the Kingdom!

I have a passion for the element of servant leadership and also for the youth generation, seeing them take up the cross Jesus has called them to and living in relationship with Him.

There is more to come, so please feel free to subscribe to the blog. You will be emailed whenever something new is added.

Live Truth. No Compromise, with Pointless Purpose.

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